Home / Bangladesh / Khaleda Zia under close observation at CCU

Khaleda Zia under close observation at CCU

BNP Chairperson and former prime minister Begum Khaleda Zia is now under close observation of physicians at the coronary care unit of the Evercare Hospital in the capital.

It was stated BNP vice-chairman and the chairperson’s personal physician Dr AZM Zahid Hossain.

Dr Zahid Hossain said on Sunday that Begum Khaleda Zia is now being given treatment keeping at close observation at the CCU according to the advice of the physicians of her medical board.

The BNP Chaiperson was admitted to the CCU of Evercare Hospital after Saturday midnight following the deterioration of her health. She reached at Evercare Hospital at about 2:54am. Then her physicians started her physical examinations there.