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The community works for health

An innovative training project at Barts Health NHS Trust has this year helped nearly 700 people from across east London in their search for employment. On 12 November 2015, Barts Health staff and community partners gathered at an awards ceremony to thank everyone on this year’s Community Works for Health programme and celebrated how they are now putting their skills ...

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Junk diet makes you fat in just seven days

Are you fond of junk food? Then you would like to keep a check on it because as per a new study has a junk food diet can damage your body in just a single week.According to sources, in a study, six men were fed 6,000 calories a day of pizza, burgers and other junk food and it took only ...

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Diabetes care growth leads to major fall in amputations

There has been a significant reduction in diabetes-related amputations since the mid-1990s due to improvements in diabetes care over this period, according to a new research. Amputations of the lower limbs are one of the most serious and disabling complications of diabetes, and become necessary when the nerve and blood vessel damage caused by the condition affects the blood supply ...

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Local campaign to improve HIV testing in Tower Hamlets

This year’s HIV testing week,  set to be the largest event ever, is being backed by Amy Whitelock Gibbs, Councillor for Health and Adult Services in Tower Hamlets. Tower Hamlets Council, which funds the local HIV Prevention projects provided by local charity, Positive East, is supporting National HIV Testing Week 2015, which runs from Saturday, November 21 to Saturday, November ...

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Frontal brain wrinkle linked to hallucinations

A study of 153 brain scans has linked a particular furrow, near the front of each hemisphere, to hallucinations in schizophrenia. This fold tends to be shorter in those patients who hallucinate, compared with those who do not. It is an area of the brain that appears to have a role in distinguishing real perceptions from imagined ones. Researchers say ...

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Healthy eating and physical activity to reduce diabetic complication

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that occurs due to absolute insulin deficiency (type-1 diabetes) or inadequate insulin secretion or action (type-2 diabetes). Insulin is needed for entry of glucose into the cells after food metabolism which is hampered in diabetes, resulting in increase blood glucose level. Diabetes, especially the type-2 diabetes is a global epidemic. The largest increase in the ...

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Phones need ‘bed mode’ to protect sleep

  Smartphones, tablets and e-readers should have an automatic “bedtime mode” that stops them disrupting people’s sleep, says a leading doctor. Prof Paul Gringras argued the setting should filter out the blue light that delays the body clock and keeps people awake later into the evening. The doctor, from Evelina Children’s Hospital in London, said every new model was “bluer ...

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Acupuncture & Alexander technique help alleviate chronic neck pain

Both acupuncture and the Alexander technique can improve chronic neck pain, according to a study in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Over 500 UK patients with nonspecific neck pain of at least 3 months’ duration were randomised to one of three strategies: 12 acupuncture sessions plus usual care, 20 one-to-one Alexander technique lessons plus usual care, or usual care alone. ...

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Weight loss can keep irregular heartbeat in check

Overweight patients treated for a common type of irregular heartbeat are less likely to experience a relapse if they shed those extra pounds, according to a new research. Researchers have found that the recurrence of atrial fibrillation increases in patients who are overweight and decreases when patients are able to lose weight and keep it off, following a cardiac ablation. ...

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