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NHS ‘Talking Therapies’ service campaign to protect the mental health of BCA restaurant workers 

  Bangla Mirror Desk:   Bangladesh Caterers Association (BCA), an organization representing the curry industry in the UK, organized a press conference and Iftar mahfil to mark the initiative to raise awareness among restaurant workers about NHS’s Mental Health Services Awareness Campaign – Talking Therapies service. The Prime Minister’s International Trade Envoy to Bangladesh Tom Hunt MP, Deputy Mayor of ...

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Bangladesh Hindu Association (UK) celebrated Holi at the House of Commons

Ansar Ahmed Ullah:     Bangladesh Hindu Association (UK) celebrates Holi Festival & Gour Purnima at the House of Commons on 21 March 2024. Sir Stephen Timms, MP and Mr Virendra Sharma hosted the event. Saida Muna Tasneem, the honourable High Commissioner of Bangladesh, attended the celebration as the guest of honour. Proshanta Datta Purokayastha BEM, Chairman of Bangladesh Hindu ...

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Hindu Aid UK Annual Conference in London

On Saturday, March 23, 2024, Hindu Aid UK marked a significant milestone with its inaugural Annual General Meeting held at a Restaurant in East Ham, London. The event brought together members to reflect on past achievements, outline future endeavours, and establish a new leadership structure. The appointment of Dr. Sukanta Maitra as the new Chief Coordinator and the formation of ...

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Former member of parliament and heroic freedom fighter Nazir Hossain held funeral in Sunamganj. 

  Bangla Mirror Desk:   The funeral of three-time former member of parliament and heroic freedom fighter Nazir Hossain from Communist Party and BNP of Sunamganj-1 (Jamalganj, Tahirpur, Madhyanagar and Dharmapasha) constituencies was held. The funeral was held at 3:30 pm on Thursday in the old bastion area of ​​Sunamganj city. At that time, a smart team of police including ...

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British Bangladeshis enjoy iftar at Number 10 Downing Street with the Home Secretary and Muslims from across the country.

  Bangla Mirror Desk:   The Home Secretary, The Rt Hon James Cleverly, hosted an iftar at Number 10 Downing Street. During the Islamic Holy Month of Ramadan, the Home Secretary invited members of the Muslim community from across the country to join him in opening their fast (iftar). James spoke of the importance of unity within our country and ...

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Commemorative CD Album “Chiro Bhaskar Mujib” to celebrate Bangabandhu

Ansar Ahmed Ullah:     London/Dhaka, March 24, 2024 – Prottaya Cultural Organisation Bangladesh has released a unique audio music CD album titled “Chiro Bhaskar Mujib” to commemorate the 100th birth anniversary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Father of the Nation of Bangladesh. The Album was launched to celebrate Bangabandhu’s Birth Centenary and Golden Jubilee of Independence of Bangladesh ...

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Akke Rahman Takes on A New Humanitarian Mission to Scale World’s 14 Highest Peaks 

Bangla Mirror Desk:   Renowned mountaineer and Everest conqueror Akke Rahman has set his sights on a daring new expedition to scale 14 of the world’s highest peaks, aiming to raise £1.5 million for humanitarian causes, including aiding the distressed in Palestine’s Gaza. Spearheaded by the UK-based international humanitarian organisation, the UK Islamic Mission (UKIM), Akke’s ambitious campaign seeks to ...

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Redbridge Community Trust UK has supported the newly formed Dakshina Surma Samaj Kalyan Samiti UK.

An Iftar Party was organized by Dakshin Surma Samaj Kalyan Samity UK on Monday evening, 25th March 2024, at Sheery’s Restaurant, Redbridge. It was held under the chairmanship of Convenor Mr. Akikur Rahman Akik and the entire program was conducted by Member Secretary Parvez Ahmed. In the beginning, the members of the organization recited the Quran. Mohammad Ahid Uddin (President ...

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The British-Bangladeshi youth generation is called upon to strengthen the hands of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the establishment of Smart Bangladesh on the occasion of Great Independence and National Day.

  Bangla Mirror Desk:   Bangladesh High Commission, London today is the 54th Independence Day by paying deep respect to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the immortal martyrs of the Great Liberation War. And the National Day was celebrated with due dignity and solemnity. On this occasion, in a special discussion organized at the Bangabandhu ...

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