Bollywood heart-throb Shahid Kapoor has confirmed he is getting married in December this year.Since the day, the news of him getting married to Delhi girl Mira Rajput in December broke, the media went in to tizzy over confirmation and denials, while Shahid kept mum. But last night at the HT Style awards the Haider actor.”I’m not engaged yet but marriage is on cards this December. Please co-operate with me, I will let you know about everything soon,” he said. Shahid is reportedly set to marry Mira Rajput, 23, an English Honours student at Lady Sriram College, Delhi. Shahid’s roka ceremony reportedly took place on January 14, 2015. Shahid met Mira through the religious group Radha Soami Satsang Beas. He and his father Pankaj Kapur are followers of the group. Source: agencies