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Schoolboy found dead in Sylhet

39Police have recovered the decomposed body of a schoolboy from Malonichhora area in Sylhet.
The deceased is Babul Mia, 12, son of Samsul Hoque, of Chargaon village and a class IV student of Dorshondoiri Government Primary School.
Babul’s father Samsul filed a case with Sylhet Airport police station after his son went missing on Sunday.
Later, locals noticed Babul’s body and informed the police about the matter on Monday morning.
On information, police recovered and sent it to Osmani Medical College Hospital morgue for autopsy around 12am.
Jalalabad OC Gousul Hossain said: “Babul might have fallen in the pond and died because of not knowing how to swim.”
However, he said they were trying to investigate the matter.