Bangla Mirror Desk : Elias Miah was an active member of Jatiya Party of Bishnath, Sylhet who left Bangladesh in 1998 bound by political situations. He arrived in the UK in 2000 after travelling many countries. Mr Miah has dedicated most of his time into Jatiya Party. However, due to the fact that despite being an opposition party Jatiya Party gave support to Awami League to form the government and joined the cabinet, Mr Miah lost confidence in them and left the party. Thereafter, on 04 February 2016, being inspired by the ideology of Bangladesh National Party (BNP), Mr Miah officially joined them in the UK branch of BNP in the presence of local BNP leaders. He was welcomed by Mr Nasir Ahmed Sahin, President of Bangladesh Secchasebok Dal, UK and Mr Abu Naser Muhammod Rohmatullah, President of Shadhinota Forum.
The leaders confirmed that they were glad to have a dedicated and sincere politician as Mr Miah with them. In reaction to his joining BNP, he expressed his concern about the abnormal political crisis in Bangladesh. He has full faith in that only BNP can resolve the issues of extrajudicial killings, torture and impunity.