Home / Business / All banks asked to install anti-skimming devices in ATM booths

All banks asked to install anti-skimming devices in ATM booths

33Bangladesh Bank asked to all 56 commercial banks of the country to install anti-skimming devices at their ATM booths to tackle fraudulent activities.

The central bank also asked to use transparent glass in all ATM booths.

Bangladesh Bank Executive Director Subhankar Saha on Wednesday made the statement while talking to journalists after emerging from a meeting with all commercial banks officials at the central bank headquarters.

All women have been requested to uncover their faces at the time of transaction in ATM booths.

The BB official also said all the new ATM booths should have the similar devices from the very beginning.

The central bank also advised authorities to provide necessary training to the ATM guards to help protect ATM booths.

It should be  compulsory that all banks should ensure automated SMS to their clients’ mobile phones after any transaction is made, the central bank said.