Fatema Miah:
The Islam is not tightly uniform as the assertion made. Islam is internally and externally diverse also.
Here is the explanation on religion practice that should it be levelled as union because the worshipping style, manner and timing has been asserted or set as norm. Together with known being uniform there are space for different or alternative for differentiation to support the needs. Needs are taken into consideration and applied by differentiating the different needs and circumstances.
Here are some typical assertions about religions, “following assertions commonly repeated: “Buddhists are nonviolent,” “Christians oppose abortion,” “Religion and science are incompatible,” etc. All of these comments represent particular theological assertions as opposed to factual claims representing “. Now there assertion about Islam is Jihad and violence. Which is incorrect and opposite. Like the Buddhist in Burma are killing Rohingya people in open discrimination.
Human beings do wrong, whether the mistakes or faults are ineffective minors or dangerous majors. There are not always ones religions teaching in every doings. Saying and doing often don’t match. Religions are internally and some externally diverse and not all uniform.
Aside from the obvious formal differences within traditions represented by differing sects or expressions (e.g., Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant for Christianity; Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, for Hinduism, etc.) there are also differences within sects or expressions because religious communities function in different social/political contexts, the assertions. All of these comments represent particular theological assertions as opposed to factual claims representing the tradition itself.
Its not as straight as said Religions evolve and change. This is another common assertion. Religion remain same the religions practices evolve and slightly changes within from culture to culture, region to region and time to time due to changing time, regional practicality, and cultural accommodation.
The main pillars of practices remain same in it regional cultural flavors, custom and appearance are brought in with the common practice of representing religious traditions with social or historical context and solely (or primarily) through ritual expression and/or abstract beliefs.
Religions exist in time and space and are constantly interpreted and reinterpreted by believers it’s true. Here our researchers gave few examples, “the practice of slavery has been both justified and vilified by all three monotheistic traditions in differing social and historical contexts. To give a more specific example, the Southern Baptist convention in the United States passed a series of resolutions in the 1970s supporting the moral legitimacy of abortion but then reversed those resolutions in 2003.[1]” Thus, it’s different with Islam because slavery was discouraged and slaves were set free with free of will in Islam.
Religious influences are embedded in cultures that is what make religious diverse. When our academics said, “Religions are collections of ideas, practices, values, beliefs, and stories that are all embedded in cultures and not separable from them”. That’s true and also the main factor is the spiritual belief in the unseen. Further said, Just as religion cannot be understood in isolation from its cultural (including political) contexts, it is impossible to understand culture without considering its religious dimensions. In the same way that race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and socio-economic class are always factors in cultural interpretation and understanding, so too is religion. Whether explicit or implicit, religious influences can virtually always be found whenever we examine any given social or historical experience.
In the recent years, academics have been re-examining our assumptions about what religion is, and how it fits within broader social life. This shift is a welcome one and paves the way for multi and cross-disciplinary collaborations with religious studies scholars across the full range of social science investigations in order to explore the complex and critically important roles that religions play in our contemporary world.
Islam is the focal and popular seemingly religion with largely and most practice of its uniform faith doctrine performing diversely. It is Ramadan now and Fasting is observed and night prayers are held across the globe by Muslims. Fatema Miah, Solihull, uk. fatemamiah@mail.com