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Report shows increased satisfaction with council care and support


Latest figures show 67 per cent of adults using Tower Hamlets Council’s social care services are extremely satisfied with their care, an increase of nearly 10 per cent from last year.

John Biggs, Mayor of Tower Hamlets, announced the publication of the Local Account, the annual report of adult social care, during the council’s Cabinet meeting on Wednesday 30 October.

The report, developed together with Healthwatch Tower Hamlets, the organisation representing residents who use health and care services, shows that in 2018/19:

4,719 people received adult social care services in Tower Hamlets.

The council spent £129 million on adult social care services.

624 social care users and 184 unpaid carers got a direct payment from social care – a safe, easy way for people to organise their own support.

The council launched a Carers’ Academy, which is training and supporting unpaid carers in the borough.

The report also highlights the proportion of people with a learning disability in employment has increased, along with the number of people getting an annual health check with their GP.

Mayor Biggs said: “Tower Hamlets has the fastest growing population in the country. As our population ages, it is inevitable that the demand for social care will increase. Despite major challenges facing adult social care providers, I am glad to hear that 94 per cent of service users say social care contributes to a better quality of life.”

The Local Account sets out key priorities for the year ahead. These include: improving how residents can access information and advice about care services; increased choice and personalised support for users; and continued promotion of direct payments to give people control over the care they receive.

Councillor Amina Ali, Cabinet Member for Adults, Health and Wellbeing, said: “I would like to thank social care users and carers, Healthwatch and all our health partners as we continue to work together to drive up standards of care for disabled, frail, vulnerable and elderly residents. Faced with increasing demand for social care and a requirement to make savings, prevention, innovation and promoting independence must continue to be our focus if we are to be sustainable for the future.”