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Scientists developing new ‘vaccine’ for cocaine addiction

Scientists in Brazil, the world’s second-biggest consumer of cocaine, have announced the development of an innovative new treatment for addiction to the drug and its powerful derivative crack: a vaccine. Dubbed “Calixcoca,” the test vaccine, which has shown promising results in trials on animals, triggers an immune response that blocks cocaine and crack from reaching the brain, which researchers hope ...

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Stay Consistent with Your Workout Routine: Key Tips

Striving to shed those extra kilos is a common goal, but staying consistent with your workout regimen can be challenging amidst our hectic and stressful lives. Finding time for a daily hour of exercise can be demanding, but once it becomes a habit, it feels less like a chore and more like a part of your routine. While some individuals ...

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Top 5 meditation apps to reduce festive stress

The festive season is often synonymous with joy, lights, and celebrations. However, amidst the hustle and bustle, it can also be a time of stress and anxiety. This is where the magic of meditation comes into play, providing a sanctuary of calm in the chaos. As we step into the upcoming festive season, here are the top five meditation apps ...

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NHS nurse struck off for giving spare Covid vaccinations to friends and family

An experienced NHS nurse has been struck off for giving spare Covid vaccinations to friends and relatives of staff members at a practice in Gloucestershire. Diana Morris argued that she had “saved lives” by giving leftover jabs to ineligible people instead of throwing them away. A misconduct hearing found that she had vaccinated 11 “family members or friends of staff” ...

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Assam Cabinet Reserves Medical College Seats for Bhutanese Nationals

The Assam Cabinet on Thursday approved the reservation of seats for Bhutanese nationals in the state’s medical colleges. This decision coincides with the impending official visit of Bhutan’s King, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, accompanied by senior officials from the Royal Government of Bhutan, scheduled from November 3 to November 10. As per an official statement from the Ministry of External ...

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1 in 4 adults suffers from hypertension in Bangladesh

One in every four adults suffers from hypertension in Bangladesh. The information was revealed at a workshop for journalists titled “Hypertension Control in Bangladesh” held at the capital’s BMA Bhaban on Tuesday. According to the WHO’s first Global Report on Hypertension 2023, the rate of treated people with hypertension is only 38 percent. Speakers highlighted these issues at the workshop. ...

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Breast cancer in men: A rare but real concern

Breast cancer is commonly associated with women, but it’s essential to acknowledge that this disease can also affect men. Male breast cancer, though relatively rare, is a pressing issue. Accounting for only about 1% of all breast cancer cases, it is often overlooked. In this article, we will shed light on the prevalence, risk factors, signs, and the crucial importance ...

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How lifestyles influence blood pressure

People should try to meditate for around 45 minutes every day to cut stress-related high blood pressure, say new guidelines. Other tips from the International Society of Hypertension include taking time out to listen to music, doing yoga and practicing mindfulness, reports BSS. Established medical advice – quit smoking and cut down on salt – still stands. But experts say ...

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Scientists developing new ‘vaccine’ for cocaine addiction

Scientists in Brazil, the world’s second-biggest consumer of cocaine, have announced the development of an innovative new treatment for addiction to the drug and its powerful derivative crack: a vaccine. Dubbed “Calixcoca,” the test vaccine, which has shown promising results in trials on animals, triggers an immune response that blocks cocaine and crack from reaching the brain, which researchers hope ...

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Gaza war deaths exceed 8,000: Health ministry

The health ministry in Hamas-ruled Gaza said early Sunday that more than 8,000 had been killed in the Palestinian territory since the start of the war with Israel on October 7. “The death toll linked to the Israeli aggression is past 8,000, half of whom are children,” the ministry told AFP. The last toll, issued early Saturday, was of 7,703 dead.

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