Jagannathpur Unnayan Shangstha UK organised a carom competition at a hall in East London on 26th October. President of the organisation Tahir Kamali presided over the competition and Vice-President M Heven Khan conducted it. 30 teams took part in the contest. President of Jagannathpur Unnayan Shangstha Abdus Sattar set off the competition. Other guests who were present at the competition ...
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Not attending the seminar after confirming is an upsetting act of BNP: Lord Eric Avebury
Not attending an international seminar, confirming it beforehand, is an upsetting act of Bangladesh Nationalist Party. The leaders of this party is travelling abroad, taking treatment and attending other meetings, but failing to attend an important event. Vice-chair of All Party Parliamentary Human Rights Group and senior member of House of Lords, Lord Eric Avebury told this in a seminar. ...
Read More »Local Restaurateur and City Councillor, Atiqul Hoque, Chosen to Contest Wiltshire Council By-Election
After the sudden resignation of Wiltshire Councillor Helena McKeown for the Salisbury St Edmund and Milford Division, Salisbury Conservatives have chosen popular City Councillor, Atiqul Hoque to stand for the Conservatives. “I am deeply honoured to be chosen to stand in an area of Salisbury where I first moved to 20 years ago.” said Cllr Hoque. “I started my first ...
Read More »European borders and immigration to be debated at high-profile conference in East London
Ansar Ahmed Ullah :: Academics, activists, politicians, and representatives from the European Commission will gather in east London next month to discuss the hotly debated issue of European borders. The conference could not be more topical, with hundreds of thousands of refugees and economic migrants arriving in Europe from the Middle East, Asia and Africa, tensions still running high between ...
Read More »Mayor of Tower Hamlets statement: London Metropolitan University Relocation Decision
Statement of John Biggs, Executive Mayor, Tower Hamlets I was deeply shocked and disappointed to learn this week of the decision of the London Metropolitan University to relocate out of the Borough. The loss of all the student places in the Aldgate area is a blow, but the decision to relocate the Sir John Cass Department of Art, Media and ...
Read More »52 organisations take part in protest meeting to bring back visa office in Dhaka
Jalalabad Probashi Kalyan Parishad organised a protest meeting demanding the return of visa office from Delhi to Dhaka on 20th October at Impression venue in Milner Road in East London. 52 organisations took part in the meeting. Community activist Ashikur Rahman presided over the meeting and Moinuddin Ansar conducted it where Abdul Halim Chowdhury recited from the Quran in the ...
Read More »Learn how to build a computer from scratch
Tower Hamlets Council opened the borough’s first Coding Club, with partners Kano and the Elysium Foundation on Wednesday, October 14 as part of Digital Inclusion Week (October 12-16) celebrations. The first session saw young people building their own computer, before taking a taster session in coding. The training was led by industry experts Kano at a state of the art ...
Read More »Fund raising dinner and award giving ceremony of Bianibazar Welfare Trust to be held on 15th November
Bianibazar Welfare Trust is organising its fund raising dinner and award giving ceremony on Sunday 15th November in Regence Hall in Manor Park in East London. The Trust also decided to organise its biyearly general meeting and election 2016 on Sunday 7th February. To make the abovementioned events successful, an executive committee meeting was held on Sunday 18th October in ...
Read More »Sheikh Russell Memorial Association UK celebrated the birthday of Sheik Russell
Sheikh Russell Memorial Association UK celebrated the 51st birthday of Sheikh Russell by cutting a cake. President of the organisation Abdul Ahad Chowdhury and Secretary Shohidur Rahman cut the cake and observed the birthday at a restaurant in West London. Guests who were also present at the event included Vice-president Taraul Islam, Syed Suruk Ali, Joint Secretary Abdul Hafiz Bakkar, ...
Read More »We should support Engineer Forasot Ali: Speakers at Rajnagar-Mowlvibazarbashi meeting
To complete the undone works of Syed Mohsin Ali, we all need to support the true friend of Awami League Engineer Forasot Ali, who was with the party in its crisis days. The speakers attending a meeting organised by people of Rajnagar and Mowlvibazar told this. The meeting was organised to announce the support for Founder Chairman of NRBC Bank ...
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