Students at London Enterprise Academy organised a Ramadan Awareness assembly for staff, students and parents. A number of students did presentations, Nasheeds and recitations from the holy Quran.
Students explained why Muslims fast during the holy month of Ramadan, the significance of fasting and key events during Ramadan including the night of power on the last 10 days.
Principal Ashid Ali congratulated the pupils on their fantastic performance and reiterated the importance of sacrifice, support for the needy, the importance of giving to charity the development of self discipline and being able to resist temptation.
Ashid Ali wanted parents to be proud that their children are able to perform in front of large live audience which will help them with their self confidence. He congratulated the students for the amount of work they did which included lots of research and practice.
Ashid Ali told the audience that as a school we want to give our young people a range of opportunities that goes beyond the classroom. Last month the school took 28 pupils to Barcelona for five days as well as engaging students in local and national competitions.
Mr Islam, Science Teacher and Mr Ahmed of Maths prepared the students with their performance. me Hannan the Student Manger performed a beautiful Nasheed about Hajrat Bilal.
The school will now offer this as an assembly to local primary schools to educate young people about Ramadan.