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Commonwealth leaders visit Children’s House Nursery School

Senior leaders from all over the Commonwealth visited Children’s House Nursery School in Tower Hamlets to see how the borough is narrowing the attainment gap and building resilience in children.

The delegation of 15 senior figures from Ghana, Egypt, Australia, South Africa, India, Pakistan, Kenya, Zambia, Singapore and Trinidad and Tobago visited the ‘outstanding’ nursery school in Bow. They saw the nursery school in action, enjoyed a programme of entertainment performed by the children and listened to a talk on the work of the nursery given by the headteacher, deputies and parent volunteers.

Councillor Danny Hassell Cabinet Member for Children Schools and Young People said: “Children’s House is an outstanding nursery school and the children loved meeting leaders from all over the Commonwealth. I am proud that our excellent early years provision is seen as an example of international best practice.

“Here in Tower Hamlets we are committed to giving our children the best start in life. I’m pleased that we have plans for the expansion of the nursery school to accommodate more children, including specialist provision for deaf children.”

Chris Lewis, Headteacher of Children’s House Nursery School said:“It was an honour to greet the Commonwealth leaders at the school today. We’re really proud of our children and families and it was a privilege to be able to share our innovative practice on a global scale.”

The visit was part of the Commonwealth Study Conferences (CSC) leaders’ programme to look at excellent practice in a variety of fields.

CSC is a global leadership programme for exceptional senior leaders selected each year from Government, business and non-Government organisations (NGOs) across the 53 countries of the Commonwealth. In 2019, the theme is building resilience in communities.