Home / Bangladesh / Chuadanga records highest 43.7°C temperature, highest in 29 years

Chuadanga records highest 43.7°C temperature, highest in 29 years

Breaking all the previous records of the last 29 years, the highest temperature of 43.7 degrees Celsius was recorded in Chuadanga on Tuesday (April 30). It was the second highest temperature recorded after the independence of Bangladesh.

Earlier, the highest temperature of 43.5 degree Celsius was recorded on May 1, 1995.
Meanwhile, sufferings of the inhabitants of Chuadanga have mounted due to sweltering heat over the last one month.

Jaminur Rahman, in-charge of the Chuadanga Weather Observatory Centre, said they have recorded 43.7°C temperature at 3:00pm in Chuadanga. At that time, the humidity was recorded at 12 per cent.

He said the heatwave has been continuing in the district for 18 days, making life very difficult and intolerable.

Earlier, on May 21, 2014, Chuadanga recorded 43.2°C temperature.

Chuadanga has been experiencing extreme heat since middle of the month of April, disrupting the regular activities of people.

Meanwhile, the High Court has ordered the closure of educational institutions across the country amid the extreme weather.