Fatema Miah: It’s 15th of August today, Sheik Mujibur Rahman was assassinated on this day and on the 11th of August Adultescence Khuduram Bose was hanged to death in British India (is it India in correct term?). The forgotten, closed up chapter, the History of Bengal is the key and fundemental aspect of opening chapter of, Would I ...
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Eid Ul Azha, Hajj and Muslims’ incite -politicise (2019)
Fatema Miah: Eid Saeed, Eid Mubarak and Hajj Mubarak to Worlds Al Hujjajs. Arafat today Saturday the 10th and Eid tomorrow Sunday the 11th of August 2019. This is the last lunar calendar Dual Hujja Islamic month. Millions of Muslims from across the world goes to perform pilgrim one of the pillars of Islam, the Hajj. Ya Allah accept my ...
Read More »Red Pill or Blue Pill: What Did Arab To Have The Greatest Prophet (PBUH) Born To Them
By Shofi Ahmed: Books are written and films made with the perspective that it’s a machine-generated dream world we live in. Often demonstrated by a popular cultural meme red pill and blue pill. It’s a metaphor representing a choice between the red pill and blue pill. The red pill represents an uncertain future— but it would free from the enslaving ...
Read More »Evolving Science – about food
Fatema Miah: Lets talk about nutrition and dietary requirements recommendation. Food is our, human essential primary factor for survival. There are food necessity and selection and options of World of food for human consume. Among the selections there are recommendation and amount guidance instruction to our human consuming per necessity, requirement and benefit. There information often changing in science ...
Read More »I condemn Indian governments hate politics. India and democratic?
Fatema Miah: Indian government BJP openly exercising hate politics in India against Muslims there. RSS attacking Muslims everywhere. Muslins are abused and tortured systematically in India. There in Bengal in India it’s a living hell for Muslims. Muslims are deprived, abuses are ignored and systematically attacking news been repressed. I disgust and condemn such ill politics played in India by ...
Read More »What on earth does Boris want on Brexit
Rayhan Ahmed Topader: Good bye Theresa May and Welcome to the FT’s live blog on a big day for the UK as Boris Johnson becomes prime minister, replacing Theresa May who will formally resign to the Queen this afternoon. Mr Johnson will then be appointed prime minister and enter Downing Street to choose his cabinet.The early appointments to the Johnson ...
Read More »Some voices and statements on anti terror not been made widely known.
Fatema Miah: It seemed to be and has been understood that large Muslim society have been silent on terrorism and hate attacks in the name of Islam. I May begin with my apology of not known of although not many, few individuals have expressed their view against terrorism and commented disapproval of such manipulation on behalf of their committee and ...
Read More »Internet and Smartphones addiction can alter teenage brain
Rayhan Ahmed Topader: Internet users rapidly increasing and it is become one of the most important topic for the research. As the growing phenomenon of vast browsing of the Internet; now-a-days researchers are trying to identify what are the impacts of heavy Internet usage, specifically for the thought adults.In addition, 30 of them browsing the Internet without any specific reason, ...
Read More »“It is not because it’s easy”
By Afridi Raihan: The Apollo 11 moon landing was a very important part of history since it was part of the cold war. Since the Americans got to the moon first, they got more popularity over the people. This would most likely make most people think that they are more advanced. The most remembered part of this part ...
Read More »Bangladesh & India today before West.
Fatema Miah: Preya Saha has been nurtured by Awame league government in Bangladesh and she deceptively, and sneakily made untrue statement to Mr Trump in the Whitehouse. Shamefully scary. I am a British Muslim of Bangladeshi ethnicity. Being a devout Muslim I am scared of Bangladesh, specially from today 20 July 2019, because there people are often seem to be ...
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