Home / Sylhet / 25 Prymary school buildings in Biswanath upazila bad condition

25 Prymary school buildings in Biswanath upazila bad condition

56Most of the 25 government primary schools, many built nearly two decades ago in Biswanath upazilas of Sylhet District, are in bad shape and not suitable for holding classes.
Several of these schools are used as shelters by people of the coastal area during natural calamities, like cyclones and floods.
The affected primary and high schools are located in Biswanath upazilas of the district.
The primary schools are: Hossinpur Government Primary School, Kandi Gram, Government Primary School, Bugshail Government Primary School, Haji Arshed Ali Government Primary School, Dakshin Dawkolos Government Primary School, Talibpur Government Primary School, and Notinkury Government Primary School under Biswanath upazila.
These school-cum-shelters, constructed under the government’s Cyclone Preparedness Program in the 1990s, are now in dilapidated condition.
The multi-storey buildings have never been repaired or renovated, district primary education office sources said.
Thousands of school children are compelled to attend classes in the vulnerable buildings, as there is no alternative space available.
During a visit to Hossinpur Government Primary School and Dawkolos Government Primary School this correspondent found the buildings in a pitiable state, with chunks of plaster peeling off the ceiling and falling to the floor.
Sultana Begum headmistress of A Primary School, said some students and a teacher were injured recently after being hit by falling plaster.
After visiting the schools recently, Upazila Education Officer told this correspondent that about 25 school buildings in Biswanath  upazila are in bad condition, but classes are being taken there regularly.
A proposal for constructing new school buildings has been sent to the relevant ministry, but any action is yet to be taken in this regard, he added.
Executive Engineer of Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) admitted the development of cracks in the school buildings. After visiting the risky buildings, he suggested the respective school authorities not to hold classes in the affected buildings to avoid accidents.