Home / Local news / BAISHAKHI MELA in Luton on 14 April

BAISHAKHI MELA in Luton on 14 April

63Ansar Ahmed Ullah :

Luton based Batighor is organising Baishakhi Mela 2016 on Thursday, 14 April 2016 at St. George’s

Square, Luton  from 12.00pm to 20.00pm. This year Baishakhi Mela will be a daylong mega event that will

include multi-cultural music, folk dances, parade, stalls and much more. .

It will be an opportunity for everybody to be part of the community activities and to participate in ‘Boishakhi

Mela’. Irish, Polish, Chinese, Afro Caribbean and other local communities, Local businesses, charities also

showed their interest to participate this event.

To coincide with Mela, Batighor will publish a bilingual magazine called ‘Shikor’ (The Root). This year

Batighor will also be celebrating 5th anniversary of publication of magazine.

Mumzy Stranger is the head line artist of this event. Other artists who will perform in the Baishakhi Mela are

Roji Sarker, Next Generation Theatre, R & R Productions, Momota, Tina’s Dance school, Shefali, Senjuti

Dass, Dulzy, Daljit Atwal, Joynal, Bilawal Baloch, Kayes Rashid, Mushraf Muhin, IKY Khan and students of

Batighor school of performing Arts