They asked not to use social media during office hours

Dhaka, Sept 22 : The Supreme Court Special Committee for Judicial Reforms has laid out a set of guidelines for judicial officials about using social media.
They have been asked to shun social media during office hours (9:30am-4:30pm) and follow eight directives and avoid doing 11 things while using social media platforms.
The Supreme Court issued a circular on Sunday to this end.
Violation of these directives will be treated as ‘misconduct’ and in that case ‘Bangladesh Judicial Service (Discipline) Rules, 2017’ and others laws will be applicable, the SC warned.
The committee observed that an excessive use of social media leads to a sort of addiction which, in turn, negatively affects personal and professional life.
Things to follow
Officials have been asked to be careful while selecting writings, pictures, audio and videos for publishing them on social media.
The SC has suggested not sharing unnecessary or unimportant status or post, and ensuring authenticity and reliability of information to be published.
The judicial officials have been asked to be very careful and judgmental while exchanging and publishing personal and family information.
The court says there might be a portal or group for judiciary officials where they can exchange under-trial issues, academic discussion on legal issues except personal things.
The officials have been directed to abide by state rules and act with responsibility while using social media.
They have to be careful about choosing friends and exchanging information on social media. They have also been asked not to accept friend request from persons related to trial or cases.
Eleven things to be avoided
Supreme Court Special Committee for Judicial Reforms directs judicial officials to avoid mandatorily eleven things while using social media.
They must remain away from expressing or publishing information, comments or feelings against national unity and spirit, comments that might hurt religious sentiments, information related to political ideology, information that discriminates and humiliates any community, any individual, institution and the state, gender-discriminatory information or feelings, information, feelings and comments that may create public annoyance and unpleasant attitude and personal feelings related to any trial and over any decision taken by controlling and proper authorities.
The judicial officials must refrain from sharing images or video clips of justices of the Supreme Court and avoid sharing, publishing and tagging others in irrelevant, unnecessary, humiliating and anti-ethical status, post, link and picture.