Home / Sylhet / Juba League activist killed by fellow in Sunamganj

Juba League activist killed by fellow in Sunamganj

An activist of Juba League, youth front of the ruling Awami League, was stabbed to death by another activist of the organisation at Chhatak upazila in Sunamganj on Tuesday night following a previous quarrel over formation of a mosque committee.

The deceased, Layek Miah, 40, is son of late Abdul Mannan of Mandalibhog area in the Chhatak municipality, the police said.

Local people said that there was a previous enmity between JL activist Layek Miah, also joint secretary of the Sunamganj unit of Bangladesh Ex-cadet Association, and his neighbour Ershad Ali over forming a governing committee of the village mosque.

On Monday, Layek’s supporter Kajal Miah locked in a quarrel with Ershad’s grandson Abdul Kuddus Shiplu, also an activist of the local JL, that created a commotion among the supporters of both rival groups, they said.

As a sequel to Monday’s quarrel, Shiplu along with several youths stabbed Layek in the chest at about 9:30pm on Tuesday when the victim was taking tea at a tea stall at Ganeshpur Kheyaghat in the municipality, leaving him critically injured.

Chhatak police station officer-in-charge KM Mainul Jakir confirmed the matter and said that local residents took Layek to Chhatak Hospital after rescuing him from the spot in a critical condition.

‘The Chhatak Hospital authorities transferred Layek to Sylhet Osmani Medical College Hospital for better treatment. But the attending physicians at the SOMCH declared him dead on arrival,’ he said.

The police officer said that three people–Ershad Ali, Taj Uddin and Sajib Hossain–were arrested for their alleged involvement in the killing incident.

‘The body was handed over to his relatives on Wednesday noon after a post-mortem examination. A murder case will also be filed in this regard after receiving a written complaint from his family,’ he added.