Home / Local news / Angela Vannette urges Barking residents to elect Mina Rahman

Angela Vannette urges Barking residents to elect Mina Rahman

A senior leader of Conservative Party of Barking has said that there is no alternative of Mina Rahman

in developing the local area and safeguard the facilities of Barking residents.  She also said that the

residents of Barking are now united now to for the development and change in this area. This people

of this area need a person like Mina Rahman who will fight for the rights of the residents of Barking.

Other leaders who also addressed the audience included Richard Semitogo, Shah Shohidur Rahman,

Syed Hossain Ahmed, Abdul Majid, Shafique Ahmed, Najim Uddin, Modris Ali, Goyas Miah, Rois

Miah, Fateema Nargis, Thamken Shaikh, Dulon Chowdhury, Hosne Ara Mojid, Nurul Islam, Emran

Chowdhury, Arju Miah, Aitique Rahman, Lutfur Rahman, Sultan Mahmud, Imam Uddin and others.

The campaigners went home to home with Mina Rahman and described the plan and manifestoes to

the general people.