Home / Local news / National Primary Offer Day 2023 – More than 98 per cent offered a place at their preferred Tower Hamlets school

National Primary Offer Day 2023 – More than 98 per cent offered a place at their preferred Tower Hamlets school


More than 98 per cent of children due to start primary school in September have been offered a place at one of their preferred primary schools – a higher proportion than last year.
The London Borough of Tower Hamlets received 3,039 primary school applications this year.
91.7 per cent secured a place at their first preference school – more than a percentage point higher than last year, and higher than the London average of 88.5 per cent.
97.7 per cent of the borough’s applicants secured a place at one of their top three preferences.
All primary school applicants received an offer of a place at a Tower Hamlets school on National offer Day 2023.
Lutfur Rahman, Mayor of Tower Hamlets, said: “I am delighted that this year’s admission process has resulted in an offer for all applicants. We are committed to working with schools in the borough to give all pupils a high-quality education, giving youngsters the best possible future.”
Cllr Maium Talukdar, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education, Youth and Lifelong Learning, said: “I’m really pleased that such a high percentage of pupils have received a place at one of their preferred schools.
“Tower Hamlets prioritises children’s education and has excellent schools, with 96% being rated Good or Outstanding by Ofsted. We aim to give our young people the very best start in life possible and we look forward to welcoming all those starting primary school in September.”

About the Pan London Admission Board
The Pan London Admissions Board has overall responsibility for the school application co-ordination scheme in the capital. Membership includes representatives of the Association of London Directors of Children’s Services, the London Inter Authority Admissions Group and the London Grid for Learning.